VMware Arena

Configure Nakivo Backup & Replication Transporter

In this post, we will talk about how to configure Nakivo Backup & Replication Transporter. The Transporter is the product component that does all of the heavy-lifting: it performs backup, replication, and recovery, as well as data compression, deduplication, and encryption. The transporter is also responsible for backup repository. Each backup repository must have an assigned transporter.After you have installed a Transporter, you need to add it the product so the Transporter can be used for backup, replication, and recovery tasks.

Configure Nakivo Backup & Replication Transporter

  1. Login to Nakivo Backup & Replication web console.  Click Configuration in the upper right corner of the product.

Go to the Transporters tab and click Add Transporter to add existing transporter. Fill out the fields as described below:

NOTE: If you are adding the Transporter by a DNS name, make sure this DNS name can be resolved on the machines where the Director and any other Transporters (which you plan to use in conjunction with the current one) are installed.

Once all the information are entered, Click on Apply.

The Transporter is added to the product and can be used for backup, replication, and recovery.

Additionally you can also add backup repository. Since I have already one created during the appliance deployment, I am not going to add further backup repository into my lab. To add backup repository, Login to Nakivo Backup & Replication web console.  Click Configuration in the upper right corner of the product. Click on Add Backup Repository to add one.

That’s it. we understand how to configure to Nakivo backup & repository v6 Transporter and Backup repository. I hope this is informative to you. Thanks for Reading!!!  Be social and share it in Social media, if you feel worth sharing it.

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