VMware Arena

vCloud Automation Center (vCAC 6.0) Installation Part 8– Fabric Configuration

The fabric includes all the computing resources that are discovered from the added endpoint data collection. This fabric is organized into fabric groups for provisioning. Fabric groups are created in a specific tenant and map compute resources to the fabric administrators who can manage those resources.Fabric administrators are responsible for creating reservations on the compute resources within their groups to allocate fabric to specific business groups.Fabric groups are created in a specific tenant, but their resources are available to users who belong to business groups in all tenants. In addition to managing physical machines and compute resources in a fabric group, fabric administrators also manage cross-tenant configuration such as machine prefixes.

Graphic Thanks to VMware.com

Create Fabric Group:

Login to vCAC using Infrastructure administrator credentials. Navigate to Infrastructure  -> Group -> Fabric Groups ->New Fabric Groups

1. Provide the name and description for the fabric group

2. Assign the group or user account for Fabric administrator role. I have assigned user fabric-admin@vmwarearea.com to fabric administrator role.

3. All the Clusters which are under added vSphere endpoint will appear under Compute resources. You can select the cluster which can be part of this fabric group. I have 2 cluster in my vCenter server and i have selected both to be part of this fabric group. Click on Ok.

Your Fabric group will list under Fabric Groups.

Create Machine Prefixes:

Machine prefixes are used to generate names of provisioned machines and are shared across all tenants. Machine prefixes are created by Fabric administrators.The prefix consists of a base name followed by a counter. The counter can start at a number other than 1 and be of a specified length.If a machine prefix is IT-VCAC, the number of digits is 3, and the next number is 1, the machines that are provisioned are named:   IT-VCAC001, IT-VCAC002, and so on.

Login to vCAC console using Fabric Administrator credentials.

Navigate to Infrastructure -> Blueprints -> Machine Prefixes -> New Machine Prefix

Enter Machine Prefix, Number of Digits and Next number. The prefix consists of a base name followed by a counter. The counter can start at a number other than 1 and be of a specified length.If a machine prefix is IT-VCAC, the number of digits is 3, and the next number is 1, the machines that are provisioned are named:   IT-VCAC001, IT-VCAC002, and so on. Click on Green Check Mark.

Create Reservation Policy:

A reservation policy is a set of reservations that can be selected in a machine blueprints to restrict provisioning to those reservations only. Add a reservation to a policy when creating or editing the reservation. A storage reservation policy is a set of virtual datastores that can be selected on a machine blueprint to restrict disk provisioning to only those datastores. A new machine might be provisioned on any reservation that has sufficient capacity. Applying a reservation policy to a blueprint restricts the machine provisioned from that blueprint to a subset of available reservations.

Navigate to Infrastructure -> Reservations -> Reservation Policies -> New Reservation Policy & New Storage Reservation Policy.

Enter the Name for Reservation policies and click on Green Check Mark to save.


Create Network Profiles:

You can create a network profiles which can be assigned to particular reservation policy. This network profiles can be used to assign IP address to the provisioned virtual machines. Navigate to Infrastructure -> Reservation -> Network Profiles. 

Under Network Profile information tab ,Provide the Name, description, Subnet mask, gateway and DNS information

Under IP Ranges Tab, Click New Network Range

Provide the Name, Starting and Ending IP address for this Network Range and Click on Ok

You can see the list of IP address assigned to this network range.

Newly created network profiles will appear under  Network Profiles.We are done. Let’s take a look at creating Reservation and Business group in upcoming posts. I hope this is informative for you. Thanks for Reading!!!. Be Social and share it in social media, if you feel worth share it.



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